Keep practicing the skills of Profitable Living...

In a safe, supportive community of conscious creators like you!

You showed up huge for coaching!! You've made massive shifts in the way you relate and installed emotionally, relationally, and financially profitable patterns.

Let's keep that progress flowing and continue practicing the skills to confidently surf the waves of your growing success!

The Profitable Living Alumni Community is designed for current & former 1:1 coaching clients to keep playing with the question: 

How Good Can You Stand It?

Results May Include...

Better Relationships!!


...helped me with my relationship with money. My relationship with family members. My relationship with my clients. Most importantly my relationship with my emotions. I can now say no to the things that are not me and yes to the things that are. I know what I desire and I can now ask for these things...Are you ready for a pattern interrupt? Connect with Profitable Living!

Exponential Return on Investment!


The container for healing & growth that Daniel & Tina have created has been phenomenal!! The powerful combination of safety, synergy, support & collaboration is unlike anything I have ever experienced before. ...The return on my investment in this community has been exponential!

Best month ever!


I learned that I can continue to increase my income even when I had my best month ever! Which means this month is now my best month, so time to do it again!

Don't wonder, just DO IT!


If you are wondering if it would benefit you...don't wonder just DO IT! The impact [this community] will have on you will be amplified and magnified in all of your relationships.

Membership Features...

  • Free Book Club

    We run book clubs 4x each year to strengthen families, grow mindset, and keep your relationships inspiring

  • Monthly Group Coaching/Q&A Calls

    These 90min calls feature live training + Real-time Q&A to solve your relational and emotional challenges before they happen

  • Free 1:1 Tune-up every 6 months

    Alumni get free 1:1 sessions every 6 months to CELEBRATE, review the communication & marriage assessment, evaluate relationship goals, & gauge emotional well-being


Alumni get even more bonus features including:

  • Affiliate Commissions

    Receive Affiliate Commissions (10% +) when you refer to Marriage Coaching Groups and Packages #GetPaidToStrengthenFamilies

  • Special 1:1 Rate

    Book 1:1 coaching sessions when you need them at the Alumni Family rate of $100 (Normally $250)

Who's Eligible to Join?

This community is designed for current & former 1:1 coaching clients.

Haven't coached with us yet?

Good news, we've got options for you too!

Join our free Facebook Community: 

CREATOR Community for Profitable Living

Or schedule a complimentary consult to explore 1:1 coaching options:

Book a consult

We're So Excited to Continue This Journey With You!

(Old photo, Daniel has short hair case you were wondering.)

We believe the world is a better place when YOU are profiting Emotionally, Relationally, AND Financially.

Join the community & let's create a better world...together!

Still have questions?


  • What's the investment to join?

    It's $50/month (billed on a monthly recurring cycle).

  • What's included and how do I access it?

    1x/mo. Group Coaching + Q&A Calls with Daniel & Tina (via Zoom 90min); Free Book Clubs 4x/yr, Free 1:1 Tune-ups every 6 months, Affiliate commissions for referrals, and significant pricing incentive on future events! It's all accessible by logging into your account on this website.

  • How do I manage my billing or cancel my subscription if I decide it's not for me?

    We're committed to overflow this community with value that supports you in maintaining emotionally, relationally, and financially profitable patterns in business and at home. But, if at any time you need to change your payment method, or you decide it's not for you, simply log into your account & click on "billing" to manage your payments or cancel your subscription.