Want Relationships That Energize You?

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Brands We've Served

Are you Succeeding in Business, but Failing at Home?

No matter how much success you experience, do you find yourself...

  • Worried you'll self-sabotage? Paralyzed by fear of losing everything you've worked to build?

  • Feeling lonely or disappointed, as family & friends express jealousy or concern instead of celebrating & growing with you?

  • Struggling to communicate & connect meaningfully with your spouse or kids despite your best efforts?

  • Maybe you thought money would solve your problems...but instead, it seems to have created new ones?

If so, you're not alone. And though these patterns can be devastating, there is hope!!

After serving 100s of dedicated parents & small business owners like you, we're confident you can learn & apply the skills to create new patterns of relating, 

So you can profit in business AND at home.

With the right tools, we believe you can:

  • Feel confident, calm & empowered to weather any emotional storm & surf every wave of success.

  • Be so certain in your vision that external circumstances or opinions have no effect on you.

  • Effectively communicate with clients, employees, and the people you love to create win-win agreements & fulfilling connections.

  • Source profitable solutions to every challenge you face, and learn to play in the question...

How GOOD Can You Stand It?

How much PROFIT can you handle?

Book a consultation to EXPERIENCE how customized 1:1 Coaching creates Profitable Solutions to your most challenging Emotional & Relational Problems.

(...and often, leads to even bigger financial breakthroughs!!)

During this 60 min. complimentary call, We'll address your relational challenges, clearly envision your desired outcomes, and uncover your personal, profitable solutions.

Satisfied Clients Say...

Jen Card

Parent of 3, Founder - Family Relief Resources

“Telling the truth in coaching created space for fear, sadness, pain, loneliness, regret, but also all the joy. It created financial security & freedom from having to work a lot. I discovered I have a huge capacity to love and be loved. I created a life that I love, a relationship with a man I love, and strong healthy relationships with my daughters, family, and friends.”

Bryan & Holly Kjar

Parents of 6, Youtubers - Kjar Crew

I'm notorious for self sabotage. For some reason, when things get good I panic and start building walls and pushing people away. But through coaching, I've opened up space for good, for pleasure and happiness, and for things going well. Instead of feeling bad that I have it too good, as my life gets better and better, I'm allowing it to make others' lives better too. (-Bryan)

Dr. Kent Lofley

Dad of 9, Physician, Founder - Blue Ocean Family Medicine

"Coaching helped me feel the feelings I didn't know I had. I can honestly say that I FEEL different about life. I'm loving learning how to have sustainable living with balance between work, family, and community. Also learning how to give and receive. Daniel Adams the work you are doing is a Godsend. Thanks!"

Tara Lofley

Mother of 9, Co-Owner Blue Ocean Family Medicine

"My favorite part of experiencing life coaching has been learning to surf my emotions with more confidence, and growing more astute at listening to Kent's feelings. It takes a lot of practice to bridge this gap, but we're doing it! Our parenting style has up-leveled, and I have never felt more connected to each of my children. The investment for us has been 100% worth it!"

Angi Bair

Real Estate Agent, Empty Nester, New Grandma of 4

I’m not working any harder than I used to, but we just went over $300,000! It’s freeing to have extra at the end of the month. Getting the focus off the money, and onto what I actually want to create in my relationships is resolving my issues within hours, minutes, & days…instead of weeks, months, & years.

Jason Miller

Dad of 2, Founder - Miller Home Group, Real Estate Investor

If you're a business owner, high performer, sales person, or executive team member... Balancing career, family, spouse & personal often feels like mission impossible, which often leads to more stress, strained relationships, and the cycle continues, slowly killing your passion & dreams. Connect with Daniel Adams! He will, I promise, help you reset and guide you to clarity. Better cash flow! Better relationships! You won't feel torn in a million directions! You'll know exactly why you do everything you do! The investment is well worth it! And rest assured it will pay for itself!

Amanda Griffith

Mother of 5 - Birth Doula

“My husband is so supportive of coaching. He told me just the other day how, on the week I met Daniel he had been praying for help for our marriage. He has seen so much change in my ability to be calm, and to connect. I hadn’t cried with my husband ever in 27 years of marriage, and when I showed him what we’d been coaching on he said “Is this really what you are going through?” And we cried together for the first time. This was so huge for me. When he cuddled me I could actually feel it because I gave away the resentment that had been blocking it for so long.”

Heather Sanders

Home Schooling Mother of 6

“Daniel taught me skills I’ve never even considered. He asked deep questions and invited me to talk with Jesus in a way I’ve never done. He guided me as I broke through self-destructive behaviors in my thinking and helped me understand the power the atonement of Christ can have as I change my focus and power of thinking. I’ve learned in the last year more about intimacy in marriage than I knew the other 17 years we’ve been married. Thank you, Daniel for being a powerful influence on my life and the way you have helped change the dynamic in our family, and our life.”

Adrian Booher

Mother of 9 - Sunset Hill Farm - Speaker & Author

“I realized that my coaching wasn’t about finances. I signed on because I knew I needed to improve the relationships with my husband and children, and that was my goal. Coaching was instrumental in helping me to not neglect my own needs, and my family’s needs. I was so grateful for the added support to keep my head on straight. Looking back, I was blessed many times over from coaching, in my unexpected relationship challenges, as well as my family relationships.”

Relationship Coaching Packages

For Couples & Individuals

Communication Accelerator

4 mo. Couples Coaching - $4,500 per couple

You may benefit from Communication Accelerator if:

  • You're married & run a business with your spouse
  • You're having trouble communicating or getting on the same page about business, money, sex, or parenting
  • You know deep down you've got infinite potential as a couple, but you can't seem to stop arguing long enough to tap into it

Relationship Renovator

6 mo. Couples Deep Dive - $15,000 per couple

You may benefit from Relationship Renovator if:

  • You're committed to building a connective, co-creative marriage...but you have no clue where to start
  • You or your spouse are harboring old hurts but wanting to move on
  • You're ready to renovate the foundation of your marriage & build a new version or your relationship from the ground up

Coaching for Individuals

Customizable Packages starting at $2,500

You may benefit from Individual Coaching if:

  • You have a million reasons to be happy, but you feel more miserable than ever
  • You're at war in your own mind & want to create peace inside yourself that will ripple out into your relationships 
  • You're married & interested in relationship coaching, but your spouse won't come
  • You're not currently married, but you value relationships highly and want to improve yours (with kids, co-parent, in-laws, siblings, clients, or employees, etc.)

Overwhelmed? Not sure where to start?

Don't worry. If you're overwhelmed with options or not sure what you need, just click one of those "Book a Consult" buttons to schedule a call with us & we'll help you find the right fit.

Client Testimonial

Profitable Living coaching is meant for you, if...

  • You're a high-achieving, family loving, world-changing small business owner, and you're ready to live profitably in business AND relationships.

  • You're committed to let go of any beliefs, stories, or habits that are keeping you stuck. You just want someone to light the way.

  • You're ready to expand your capacity to receive love, support, and massive success...WITHOUT having a major meltdown, pushing people away, or squandering it all.

Looking to book a single session?

If you're seeking some clarity or a quick relational tune-up, click below to explore our per-session pricing options.

Still have questions?

  • How long will we coach?

    1:1 Coaching packages are available in 4, 6, and 12-month increments.

  • How often do we meet?

    Typically weekly. (With Marco Polo support in between for 6 & 12-month packages.)

  • Where do we meet?

    via Zoom, or In-person in Franklin, TN

  • What's the investment?

    Coaching packages start at $7,500, and a portion of each investment goes to One Generation Away, a mobile food pantry that distributes 500+ high-quality meals to hungry U.S. families...because our profit is meant to do so much good in the world!

  • Are there payment plans available?

    Yes. Payment options, as well as any customizations, will be discussed in detail on our complimentary call.

  • What kind of coaching do you do?

    Highly Experiential. Deeply Somatic. It's a unique experience for each client, but begins with an in-depth Profitable Living Assessment. Common experiences then include getting brutally (yet compassionately) honest about your habits and what's keeping you stuck, as well as allowing hidden emotions to rise to the surface to be effectively re-channeled or released. That's what makes the service so effective so quickly. You're not just talking about solutions; you're embodying them. Coaching equips you with the awareness & tools to resolve unfinished conversations (or start the ones you've been avoiding) and expand your capacity to receive & navigate the resulting growth and success, without burning it all to the ground or severing relationships in the process.

  • What kind of results do clients experience?

    6-figure profit months---NET, not gross; Increased employee retention; Enjoyable vacations with teenage and adult kids; Bonuses; Resolving issues with parents that are decades old; Cleaning up stressful relationships; Forming new lucrative business partnerships; Experiencing self-love & compassion for the first time; Dissolving guilt and shame; Healing patterns they've been stuck in for years; Enjoying intimacy with partner after a long drought; $75,000 revenue months, and more!!

  • How Do I Get Started?

    Click the button below to book a complimentary consultation.

Create Profitable Relationships that energize you!