1:1 Coaching Client Results...

Here's a small sample of what Profitable Living clients have created in business & relationships:

  • Actually ENJOYED building their business together, creating $14,000+ in monthly recurring revenue in just 1 year

  • Reestablished trust in a marriage torn by addiction

  • Created her first 6-figure MONTH!!

  • Released shame; felt seen & heard; enjoyed connective sex; reconnected with estranged siblings and defiant teens...

  • Grew his net worth from $400,000 to $2 Million...and dissolved doubt & fear around the pressure to keep it all going

  • Increased revenue from $240,000 to $500,000 (crushing the first milestone on his way to $1M)

  • Successfully navigated waves of emotion, including debilitating grief, anxiety-ridden fear, and the JOY of MASSIVE success!!

  • Plus, a whole lot more! ...And if they can do it, You can too!

Created a Life I Love!!

-Jen C.

“Telling the truth in coaching created space for fear, sadness, pain, loneliness, regret, but also all the JOY. It created financial security & freedom from having to work a lot. I discovered I have a huge capacity to love and be loved—I created a life that I love, a relationship with a man I love, and strong, healthy relationships with my daughters, family, and friends.”

Client #1

BEFORE coaching, this client was struggling with:

  • Destructive & defeating procrastination habits
  • Overpromising and enrolling needy clients...and then avoiding or resenting them
  • Family members jealous of his growing success
  • Making 6-figures, but craving more & unsure how to achieve his MUCH bigger financial goals

AS A RESULT of coaching, this client:

  • Uncovered & dissolved the root of his procrastination patterns, using Authentic Y/N's to stop overcommitting to things that were never a true win
  • Made clear, win-win agreements with current clients, so he stopped avoiding & resenting clients and started over-delivering, on time...creating satisfied, evangelizing customers
  • Grew his revenue more than 2x from $240,000 to $500,000/yr.
  • Learned to navigate & regulate his emotions
  • Created connective solutions with family to improve relationships
  • Developed referral partners for lower ticket clients to focus his time & energy on enrolling the clients he actually wants to serve!

Client #2

BEFORE coaching, this client was struggling with:

  • Low self-confidence
  • Chronic anxiety and fear of losing everything he'd built
  • Low emotional regulation; extremely short fuse, resorted to yelling and retaliating that often landed him in court
  • Lacked trust in others and the interpersonal & communication skills to build and grow his team
  • Experienced multiple lawsuits every year from disgruntled customers that drained his time & energy and ate away at his profits
  • The more his wealth grew, the more intense his shame, misery, and stress became, causing him to resist the actions he knew would take his goals to the next level.

AS A RESULT of coaching, this client:

  • Got clear on what he truly values in family and in business & grew his confidence to create it!
  • Dissolved doubt and fear around the pressure to keep it all going
  • Learned to navigate big emotions, including anger and fear, without taking them out on everyone around him
  • Added 6 team members & was finally able to TRUST his team and build himself an exit from his business
  • Created clarity in subcontractor disputes WITHOUT going to court, saving $1,000's in legal fees
  • Developed skillful habits of communicating with transparency, honest, and integrity
  • Made clear, win-win agreements with his family, ex-wife, and new romantic partner
  • Created an additional $2 million in revenue for his company

Client #3

BEFORE coaching, this client was struggling with:

  • Navigating multiple significant life transitions, including divorce, empty nesting, new career, and spiritual orientation change
  • Felt guilty & uncomfortable enjoying her growing success (including $30,000/mo. in business revenue)
  • Overwhelmed with business workload, but dreading the much needed process of hiring non-family team members and terminating family & friends working as employees
  • Mired in a draining romantic relationship that was a poor fit
  • Confused about her personal values

AS A RESULT of coaching, this client:

  • Became comfortable with her emotions, including the deep loss & loneliness following divorce, as well as the shocking joy & excitement of her growing multi-million dollar business
  • Got clear on the traits she desired in her employees & hired a team to scale her business
  • Built a company culture of loyalty, excitement, and magnetism that's rare in her field
  • Saw herself with confidence, so she could stop rescuing and rehabilitating needy men; found a partner as talented and caring as she is
  • Created clarity around her personal values, spiritual beliefs, and deepest desires (like travel)
  • Designed a life that allows her to travel as much as she desires

“Before coaching I often controlled, criticized, & bulldozed in business and in marriage.

Coaching created unity for us, so we could co-create together, instead of me being in the hero role, stuck in my warrior forcing things to happen, or the persecutor role, leaving my husband to play the victim. 

We finally set down those old drama patterns we had been playing for years! It freed up so much emotional capital for us!”


"Coaching helped me feel the feelings I didn't know I had. I can honestly say that I FEEL different about life. I'm loving learning how to have sustainable living with balance between work, family, and community. Also learning how to give and receive. Daniel Adams the work you are doing is a Godsend. Thanks!"


“I believe the net worth I acquired this past year was a direct result of the clarity we created coaching together. 

After coaching it’s been much more difficult for clients & family to send me in an emotional tail spin, even when they bait me. 

Profitable Living skills kept me out of court, gave me awareness of my weaknesses and the clarity to build a team around them,

And this summer I took the first family vacation of my life that I actually ENJOYED.”


"I'm not working any harder than I used to, but we just went over $300,000! It's freeing to have extra at the end of the month. 

Getting the focus off the money, and onto what I actually want to create in my relationships is resolving my issues within hours, minutes, & days...instead of weeks, months, & years."
